pestis strain GB (Russell et al , 1995) Both A/J and BALB/c mous

pestis strain GB (Russell et al., 1995). Both A/J and BALB/c mouse strains displayed similar susceptibilities to Y. pestis and died in a desired dose-dependent manner (Table 1). Because both mouse strains behaved similarly,

we hypothesized A/J mice would also be susceptible to aerosol challenge. Indeed, BVD-523 price the A/J aerosol infection controls in the vaccination studies (Fig. 2) died in a reasonable timeframe and displayed symptoms consistent with a murine pulmonary plague infection. On the basis of these results, we concluded that the A/J mouse strain is an acceptable small animal challenge model for Y. pestis in addition to B. anthracis. Consequently, A/J mice were used for the remainder of the study. The DNA vaccine templates for PA, V-LFn, and LFn-F1 were derived from the wild-type gene sequences (GenBank Accession numbers PA: AAA22637.1, LF: NC_001496.1, LcrV: NC_004839.1, F1: NC_00323.1) and codon maximized for human expression by GenScript

USA, Inc. DNA Damage inhibitor (Piscataway, NJ). The LFn/plague gene fusions encoded the first 254 amino acids of the full-length LF protein with either an AG or TG linker. The orientation of these genes was based upon previous unpublished results indicating that V-LFn and LFn-F1 were the most promising constructs that would elicit an immune response that would be protective. Genes encoding the PA, V, and F1 DNA vaccines were full-length and contained no deletions, in particular, PFKL the immunosuppressive domain of LcrV was not removed prior to optimization and cloning. All maximized genes were cloned into the eukaryotic expression vector, pDNAVACCultra2 (Nature Technology Corporation, Lincoln, NE), in-frame and downstream of the CMV promoter. Three DNA vaccines, phPA, phV-LFn, and phLFn-F1, were sequenced and expressed the appropriate protein with the correct size in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells strain K1 (data not shown). Immunogenicity of the constructs administered individually, or

when co-coated on the same gold particle, was evaluated using a Helios™ gene gun (BioRad, Hercules, CA). DNA was precipitated onto 1 μm gold particles using polyvinylpyrrolidone as an adhesive (0.1 mg mL−1) and loaded onto Gold-Coat tubing using a Tubing Prep Station (BioRad) according to both manufacturer’s instructions and Bennett et al. (1999). The abdominal fur of 6-week-old, female, A/J mice (Harlan), in groups of six, was shaved prior to epidermal delivery of 1.0 μg of each DNA vaccine on days 0, 14, and 42. ELISAs were carried out on serum collected at day 56 and reported (mean μg mL−1 ± SEM) as described previously (Albrecht et al., 2007). Antigen-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) responses to the endogenously produced PA, LFn, V, and F1 proteins were dominated by IgG1 (Fig. 1), indicative of a Th2 bias (Mosmann & Coffman, 1989), and are consistent with gene gun delivery of DNA vaccines (Feltquate et al., 1997).

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