However, this mutation has been described earlier as being specif

However, this mutation has been described earlier as being specific for the Haarlem genotype and is not

associated with resistance to EMB [16]. As mentioned above, other so far unknown resistance mediating mechanisms are probably responsible for the resistance phenotype in these four strains. Mutations or insertions in the pncA gene are known to mediate PZA resistance [42, CAL-101 order 43], as observed in our study. No hotspot region has been determined, since polymorphisms occur throughout the complete gene. However, according to our data some specific mutations do obviously not mediate resistance that is detectable by applying standard critical concentrations. In the panel of strains analyzed, two susceptible strains carry a SNP at codon 47 and one displays a mutation at codon 96. PZA-MIC determination for these strains revealed slightly elevated values for the strains carrying I-BET-762 supplier the mutation at codon 47 (25.0 μg/ml) compared to the H37Rv control. In a recent study it has been shown that the site of the mutation is leading to varying efficiencies of the mutated pyrazinamidase mediating a wide range of resistance levels from low to high [44]. As the mutation at codon 47 has previously been described

by Juréen and co-workers [42] in PZA resistant strains, further investigations are necessary to determine if additional mutations in other parts of the genome might be responsible for the observed low-level resistance in the strains analyzed in this study. Out of all PZA resistant strains three carried the pncA wild type sequence. This indicates that further Niclosamide mutations in as yet unidentified genes are also important for mediating PZA resistance. Conclusions Although resistance mechanisms to INH and RIF are well understood, unknown resistance determining regions and resistance mediating mechanisms appear to play an important role for SM, EMB and PZA, where we observed

a relatively low sensitivity for selleck chemicals llc detection of resistance by analysis of common genes. Therefore, it is essential to gather information on further mechanisms leading to drug resistant MTBC strains. For the design and implementation of molecular resistance assays it is fundamental to consider strain diversity with respect to resistance mutations in a given geographical setting. Finally, it should be noted that not all variations in well described resistance genes are related to the development of high-level resistance, a finding arguing for a very careful interpretation of molecular resistance assays. Acknowledgments We thank I. Razio, P. Vock, T. Ubben and L. Dost, Borstel, Germany, for excellent technical assistance. Parts of this work have been supported by the European Union TM-REST (FP7-202145) and the TB-PAN-NET (FP7-223681) projects. Electronic supplementary material Additional file 1: PCR primers and conditions used for amplification and sequencing.

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