2B and C) Similar recovery of DETC numbers after birth has previ

2B and C). Similar recovery of DETC numbers after birth has previously been shown in NVP-LDE225 supplier analyses of the role of CCR10, which is also important for DETC recruitment to the epidermis [11]. Interestingly, however, CCR10 deficiency caused redistribution of Vγ3+ DETCs with accumulation of DETCs in the dermis [11]. In contrast, in gpr15GFP/GFP knockout mice Vγ3+ DETCs isolated from the dermal fraction were also reduced, indicating an overall diminishment of recruited DETCs in the skin (Fig. 2C). The phenotype of the DETCs in the adult epidermis of gpr15GFP/GFP knockout mice was comparable to that

of DETCs in gpr15WT/WT mice (Fig. 2D). In accordance with the abundance of DETCs in adult gpr15GFP/GFP mice, GPR15 deficient mice showed no significant delay in wound healing (data not shown), a result that also rules out a substantial GPR15-dependent defect in DETC functional properties. Postnatal recovery of DETCs appears to be mediated by CCR4: CCR4 deficient mice have only a modest reduction in skin DETCs at birth, but a greater defect in DETC numbers as adults [18]. Moreover, whereas CCR10 and GPR15 are lost on adult skin DETCs ([11] and Fig. 2B), CCR4 is highly and uniformly

expressed [10]. selleck kinase inhibitor We already detected substantial numbers of DETCs in the epidermis of gpr15GFP/GFP knockout mice at day 5 after birth (data not shown). CCR4 and/or CCR10 may thus rescue DETC homing to the epidermis beginning shortly after birth, where DETC numbers rise quickly through self-renewal. Taken together, these results show a clear role for the homing receptor GPR15 in targeting thymus derived DETC precursors to the skin, and suggest distinct if overlapping roles for three skin homing receptors, GPR15, CCR10, and CCR4, in this process. Here we show that GPR15

is essential for embryonic click here DETC recruitment to the skin. Interestingly, GPR15 is expressed by subsets of conventional skin homing αβ TCR+ T cells in blood in both mouse and human, and also by subsets of T cells infiltrating inflamed skin in contact sensitivity models (Lahl and Butcher, unpublished). CCR10 and CCR4, and T-cell E-selectin ligands participate not only in DETC homing during development, but also in conventional effector/memory T-cell homing to skin [19-22]. It remains to be determined whether GPR15 plays a significant role in cutaneous T-cell homing in the adult. Our present finding that GPR15 mediates DETC recruitment to the skin, together with its previously reported role in Treg-cell localization to the colon, suggests an important role for GPR15-dependent homing of lymphocytes at epithelial barrier sites.

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