6%), mucous adenocarcinoma in 6 cases (10 2%) and unknown patholo

6%), mucous adenocarcinoma in 6 cases (10.2%) and unknown pathological type in 4 cases

(6.8%). Regents The reagents used in this study were rabbit VX-770 mouse anti-MRP1 (bs-0657R, 1:300 dilution), rabbit anti-pGP/MDR1/gp170 (bs-0563R, 1:300 dilution), rabbit anti-LRP (bs-0661R, 1:300 dilution) and Biotin conguated Goat Anti-rabbit IgG, all obtained from Beijing Biosynthesis Biotechnology Corporation (Beijing, China). Bovine serum albumin (BSA, 2%), IHC Biotin Block Kit, Streptavidin-Peroxidase and diaminobenzidine (DAB) were from Fujian Maixin Biotechnology Corporation (Fuzhou, China). Immunohistochemistry Immunolocalization of MDR markers were performed according to the streptavidin-biotin peroxidase complex method by Truong [7]. Tissue slides were first deparaffinized in xylol, ethanol, and water, and then endogenous peroxidase SRT2104 solubility dmso activity was blocked by immersion in 3% H2O2 in methanol for 10 min to prevent any nonspecific binding. For staining, the slides were pretreated in 0.01 M citrate buffer (pH 6.0) and heated in a microwave

oven (98°C) for 10 min. After blocking with BSA, the slides were incubated with the primary antibodies for P-gp, LRP and MRP for 90 min at 37°C, then learn more incubated with the secondary antibody (biotin-labeled anti-rabbit IgG goat antibody) for 15 min at 37°C, and finally incubated with peroxidase-labeled streptavidin for 15 min. The reaction products were visualized with diaminobenzidine. Positive cells were stained brownish granules. Ten high power fields in each slide were selected randomly and observed double blind by two investigators. The staining score of each section were calculated by staining

intensity and positive rate of cancer cells. For the quantification of staining intensity, the score of no staining, weak staining, moderate staining and strong staining was 0, 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Positive rate score of cancer cells was: 0-10% was recorded as 0; 10-30% was recorded as 1; 30-50% was recorded as 2; 50-75% were recorded as 3; >75% were recorded as 4. Casein kinase 1 The sum of scores was computed as the score of staining intensity added the score of the positive rate of cancer cells. Then it was graded according the sum of scores: 0-1 (-); 2-3 (+); 4-5 (++); 6-7 (+++). Statistical Analysis All the experiment data is integrated into a comprehensive data set. Numerical data were recorded directly and measurement data were described as median and range. We analyzed categorical variables using the Pearson Chis-square test and Gamma test. Statistical analysis was performed on SPSS software version 13.0 (SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL), and P < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results Location and distribution of P-gp, LRP and MRP There was a clear background without nonspecific staining in negative control slides (Fig 1A). The three proteins were stained brownish granules, with P-gp mainly located on the membrane and cytoplasm (Fig 1B), LRP on peri-nuclear cytoplasm (Fig 1C), and MRP on the membrane and cytoplasm (Fig 1D).

PCR cycling consisted of an initial denaturation at 94°C for 6 mi

PCR cycling consisted of an initial denaturation at 94°C for 6 min; followed by 30 cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 30 s, annealing at 57°C for 45 s, and extension at 72°C for 2 min; and a final extension at 72°C for 3 min. Amplified DNA was verified by electrophoresis on 2% agarose gels. Restriction digest The PCR products from the four replicates were pooled into two samples, purified with QIAquick PCR purification kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Selleckchem DMXAA Germany), and finally eluted in a volume of 30 μl EB buffer (10 mM Tris, pH 8.5). Then 15 μl purified PCR product was digested overnight (or 3 hours) at 37°C with 0.02 U of Hha1 (Boehringer, Mannheim,

Germany) in a 20 μl reaction mixture. Terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism Each sample was analysed as two replicate fragments (T-RFs) by electrophoresis on an automatic sequence analyzer (ABI-PRISM-373-DNA-Sequencer; PE Biosystems, Foster City, California). Aliquots (2 μl) of T-RFs were mixed with

2 μl of deionized formamide, 0.4 μl of loading buffer (PE Biosystems), and 0.6 μl of DNA fragment length Lonafarnib in vivo standard (MegaBace ET900, GE Healthcare, Hillerød, DK). The T-RF mixture was denatured at 94°C for 2 min and chilled on ice prior to electrophoresis. Five Enzalutamide chemical structure microliter aliquots of the mixture were loaded on a 36-cm, 6% denaturing polyacrylamide gel. Electrophoresis settings were 2,500 V and 40 mA for 10 h, using the B filter set. Due to sequence species specific variations in the ribosomal gene, a restriction digest will give rise to T-RF

of different size, and when many species are mixed as in the intestinal microbiota this can be visualized as a pattern of peaks in an electropherogram, a fingerprint profile. These profiles were collected by the software and analysed by the use of BioNumerics software (Applied Maths, Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium). The length of each band was determined by comparing it towards the internal standard PD184352 (CI-1040) ladder. From each sample two replicates were compared, and weak bands that were only represented in one of the two were rejected to exclude false T-RFs from the fingerprint. After normalization of all profiles towards the internal standard, they were compared using BioNumerics. The comparisons between cages were based on calculating the Dice similarity coefficient and the unweighted pair group method using arithmetic averages for clustering. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed to reflect the grouping and relatedness of samples. Pyrosequencing of ribosomal genes Samples (n = 10) from the same cage types (CC, FC, and AV), and sampling date (before inoculation and 4 weeks PI.), were pooled by mixing 250 ng of purified DNA from each sample in one tube, in total making up 6 samples.

Apical parts (penicilli) of conidiophores (30°C, 15 days) j Phi

Apical parts (penicilli) of conidiophores (30°C, 15 days). j. Phialides (25°C, 19 days). k, m, n. Conidia (25°C, 19 days). d–g, i–n. On SNA. Scale bars a–c = 15 mm. d = 0.2 mm. e, h = 0.1 mm. f, i, l = 10 μm. g = 15 μm. j, k, m, n = 5 μm MycoBank MB 516688 GDC-0973 molecular weight Stromata in ligno arborum coniferarum, solitaria vel gregaria vel dense aggregata, 0.3–2.2 × 0.2–1.6 mm, pulvinata, alba vel lutea ad brunnea, ostiolis brunneis, superficie saepe flavis crystallis obtecta.

Asci cylindrici, (58–)67–82(–91) × (4.0–)4.2–5.0(–5.5) μm. Ascosporae bicellulares, verruculosae, hyalinae, ad septum disarticulatae, pars distalis subglobosa vel ellipsoidea, (3.0–)3.4–3.8(–4.0) × (2.5–)2.9–3.2(–3.3) μm, pars proxima oblonga, cuneata vel ellipsoidea, (3.3–)3.7–4.7(–6.0) × (2.0–)2.3–2.7(–3.0) μm. Anamorphosis Trichoderma luteocrystallinum. Conidiophora similia Gliocladii. Phialides lageniformes, (5–)7–10(–13) × (2.0–)2.2–2.8(–3.4) μm. Conidia CFTRinh-172 supplier viridia, subglobosa, glabra, (2.5–)2.7–3.3(–3.6) × (2.2–)2.5–2.8(–3.1) μm in agaro SNA. Etymology: referring to the yellow crystals formed on mature stromata. Stromata not seen in fresh condition. Stromata when dry (0.3–)0.5–1.4(–2.2) × (0.2–)0.4–1.0(–1.6) mm, (0.15–)0.2–0.4(–0.8) mm thick Selleck NVP-BSK805 (n = 45), solitary, gregarious or aggregated in large numbers;

effluent, large subeffuse complexes disintegrating into individual stromata; (flat) pulvinate, broadly attached; with white basal mycelium when young. Outline circular, angular or irregular. Margin rounded, edge free; sides often vertical and concolorous with the surface. Surface smooth, or tubercular by convex dots or projecting perithecia, slightly downy or powdery due to minute sulphur-yellow crystals, mostly on brown spots; crystals less common on light-coloured young, immature stromata; rarely covered by white scurf. Ostiolar dots (30–)40–90(–157) μm (n = 60) diam, conspicuous, diffuse when young, becoming distinct, well-defined,

plane or convex, circular, ochre or brown, sometimes black when old. Stromata white to pale yellowish, 1–4A2–A3, when young, turning greyish yellow, 3–4B3, pale or grey-orange, 5A3–4, 5B4, yellow-brown, or light brown, 5–6CD4–6, when mature; finally entirely brown when old and crystals disappear. Spore deposits white. Stroma surface after rehydration smooth, nearly white, the convex ochre to brown ostiolar dots with hyaline centres; turning light brown or PTK6 ochre with darker ostiolar rings after addition of 3% KOH. Stroma anatomy: Ostioles (49–)61–87(–98) μm long, plane or projecting to 12 μm, (28–)34–61(–90) μm wide at the apex (n = 30), conical, periphysate, with thick walls orange in KOH in the upper part; margin lined by hyaline cylindrical to clavate cells 2–6(–8) μm wide at the apex. Perithecia (140–)180–240(–275) × (95–)115–205(–280) μm (n = 30), flask-shaped, crowded, 5–6 per mm stroma length; peridium (11–)13–20(–23) μm (n = 30) thick at the base, (8–)10–16(–20) μm (n = 30) thick at the sides, yellowish.

CrossRefPubMed 79 Maeder DL, Weiss RB, Dunn DM, Cherry JL, Gonza

CrossRefPubMed 79. Maeder DL, Weiss RB, Dunn DM, Cherry JL, Gonzalez JM, DiRuggiero J, Robb FT: Divergence of the hyperthermophilic archaea Pyrococcus furiosus and P. horikoshii inferred from complete genomic sequences. Genetics 1999,152(4):1299–1305.PubMed 80. Maroti G, Fodor BD, Rakhely G, Kovacs AT, Arvani S, Kovacs KL: Accessory proteins functioning selectively

and pleiotropically in the biosynthesis of [NiFe] hydrogenases in Thiocapsa roseopersicina. European Journal of Biochemistry 2003,270(10):2218–2227.CrossRefPubMed 81. Oxelfelt F, Tamagnini P, Lindblad P: Hydrogen uptake in Nostoc sp. strain PCC 73102. Cloning and ASP2215 purchase characterization of a hupSL homologue. Arch Microbiol 1998,169(4):267–274.CrossRefPubMed 82. Rakhely selleckchem G, Kovacs AT, Maroti G, Fodor BD, Csanadi G, Latinovics Selleck LY333531 D, Kovacs KL: Cyanobacterial-Type, Heteropentameric, NAD+-Reducing NiFe Hydrogenase in the Purple Sulfur Photosynthetic Bacterium Thiocapsa roseopersicina. Appl Environ Microbiol 2004,70(2):722–728.CrossRefPubMed 83. Riley M, Abe T, Arnaud MB, Berlyn MK, Blattner FR, Chaudhuri RR, Glasner JD, Horiuchi T, Keseler IM, Kosuge T, et al.:Escherichia coli K-12: a cooperatively developed annotation snapshot – 2005. Nucleic Acids Res 2006,34(1):1–9.CrossRefPubMed 84. Rousset M,

Magro V, Forget N, Guigliarelli B, Belaich JP, Hatchikian EC: Heterologous expression of the Desulfovibrio gigas [NiFe] hydrogenase in Desulfovibrio fructosovorans MR400. J Bacteriol 1998,180(18):4982–4986.PubMed 85. Schwartz E, Henne A, Cramm R, Eitinger T, Friedrich B, Gottschalk G: Complete nucleotide sequence of pHG1: a Ralstonia eutropha H16 megaplasmid encoding key enzymes of H(2)-based ithoautotrophy N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase and anaerobiosis. J Mol Biol 2003,332(2):369–383.CrossRefPubMed 86. Ward N, Larsen O, Sakwa J, Bruseth L, Khouri H, Durkin AS, Dimitrov G, Jiang L, Scanlan D, Kang KH, et al.: Genomic insights into methanotrophy: the complete genome sequence of Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath). PLoS Biol 2004,2(10):e303.CrossRefPubMed 87. Yang F, Yang J, Zhang X, Chen L, Jiang Y, Yan Y, Tang X, Wang J, Xiong Z, Dong J, et al.: Genome dynamics and diversity of Shigella species , the etiologic agents of bacillary dysentery. Nucleic

Acids Res 2005,33(19):6445–6458.CrossRefPubMed 88. NCBI database[http://​www.​ncbi.​nlm.​nih.​gov/​] 89. Hall TA: BioEdit: a user-friendly biological sequence alignment editor and analysis program for Windows 95/98/NT. Nucl Acids Symp Ser 1999, 41:95–98. 90. Swofford DL: PAUP*. Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony (*and Other Methods). Version 4. Sunderland, Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates 2003. 91. Huelsenbeck JP, Ronquist F: MRBAYES: Bayesian inference of phylogenetic trees. Bioinformatics 2001,17(8):754–755.CrossRefPubMed 92. Ronquist F, Huelsenbeck JP: MrBayes 3: Bayesian phylogenetic inference under mixed models. Bioinformatics 2003,19(12):1572–1574.CrossRefPubMed 93. ModelGenerator[http://​bioinf.​nuim.​ie/​software/​modelgenerator/​] 94.

lactis isolates Although housekeeping genes evolve slowly, howev

lactis isolates. Although housekeeping genes evolve slowly, however, we still consider that the eight housekeeping genes selected provide sufficient discriminatory power for typing. In our genetic analysis, the eight housekeeping loci had a very low d N/d S ratio (<1), implying strong purifying selection. This was particularly the case in groEL where five substitutions were synonymous and the amino acid composition did not change. The d N /d S ratio was close to zero and similar to that seen by Madslien et al.[33], which supports our estimation that the housekeeping loci are all under stabilizing selection [33]. Leuconostoc lactis isolates

are important industrially in the production of fermented foods. However, KU55933 mouse their population RG7112 solubility dmso structure has not been investigated fully before. We used linkage disequilibrium expressed as the index of association (I A) by the equation, I A = VO/VE - 1 (VO, observed variance; VE, expected variance) to investigate population

structure. This index of association is a generalised measure of linkage disequilibrium; does not rely on the number of loci analysed; has an expected value of zero if there is no association between loci, i.e. alleles are in linkage equilibrium (free recombination) [34, 35]; and was pioneered to describe population structure in Hordeum spontaneum[36]. In our study, the value of I A and I A S for eight loci were calculated as 1.8 and 0.4264 (p = 0.000), respectively. These high values are indicative of a strong clonal population and similar to reports for other bacteria. For example, in Lb. plantarum, where seven selected housekeeping genes were analysed and assigned to 17 different STs, the I A S value was 0.444 [37]. In Bacillus licheniformis, where six housekeeping loci were analysed from 53 diverse isolates, the value of I A S was 0.4365 [33]. These results are similar to our study on L. lactis and, therefore, support our hypothesis that these are clonal populations and that allelic selection is close

to linkage disequilibrium. In general, Leuconostoc species are used as starter cultures for dairy fermentations. All isolates find more initiate lactose fermentation and lactic acid production and here we have shown that some essential housekeeping genes are highly conserved. However, the value of I A S and Edoxaban the number of unique STs reflect the genetic diversity amongst isolates that have each adapted to specialised environments during their evolution. Similar results have been reported for other LAB isolated from dairy products; for example 197 isolates of Lactococcus lactis isolated from homemade yogurt were assigned to 72 different STs and their I A S value was 0.3038 [38]. Uniformly, a clonal structure was also found in Streptococcus thermophilus, where eight housekeeping loci were analysed from 26 isolates from different dairy products [39].

However, the signal transduction and control processes involved i

However, the signal transduction and control processes involved in the bacterial response to these heavy

metals are still poorly characterized. The C. crescentus genome encodes 13 extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factors [13]. Two of them, the paralogous σT and σU, are involved in the response to various environmental stress conditions, including chromium and cadmium stresses [12, 14]. Additionally, σE mediates a rapid transcriptional Syk inhibitor response to cadmium, organic hydroperoxide, singlet oxygen and UV-A [15]. In a previous report, σF was found to be required for bacterial survival under hydrogen peroxide stress in the stationary growth phase, but no σF-mediated transcriptional response to hydrogen peroxide could be observed [16]. Thus, the involvement of σF in a transcriptional response to environmental stresses still

needs to be characterized. The observation that Evofosfamide concentration genes CC2906, CC3255 and CC3257, previously found to be dependent on σF[16], are induced following C. crescentus exposure to chromate, dichromate and cadmium [12] suggested to us that σF could be involved in the transcriptional response to these heavy metals. In the present work, we demonstrate the involvement of σF in chromium and cadmium stress responses. We also identified

many the set of genes regulated by σF by using global transcriptome analysis and characterized the AMN-107 promoter region of these genes by 5´RACE experiments and β-galactosidase assays. Furthermore, we investigated the role of the protein encoded by the second gene in the sigF operon (CC3252), here named NrsF, and two conserved cysteine residues in this protein on the σF-mediated response to heavy metals. Results σF is involved in chromium and cadmium responses in C. crescentus In order to verify a possible involvement of σF in the C. crescentus response to chromium and cadmium stresses, we monitored expression of CC3255, previously identified as a σF-dependent gene, as well as CC3252, which is co-transcribed with sigF (CC3253), by quantitative RT-PCR. This analysis showed that CC3255 is significantly induced in parental cells following exposure to either dichromate or cadmium (Figure 1). In contrast, expression of CC3255 in a sigF deletion mutant strain exposed to dichromate or cadmium was found to be quite similar to that observed in the same strain under no stress condition (Figure 1).

For the remainder of the studies, we focused on the effects

For the remainder of the studies, we focused on the effects

of the tannins against HCMV, HCV, DENV-2, MV, and RSV. Free virus particles are inactivated by CHLA and PUG CHLA and PUG were previously observed to inactivate HSV-1 particles and prevent their interaction with the host cell surface [33]. We examined LY411575 datasheet whether the tannins could also inactivate the different enveloped viruses and prevent subsequent infection. These natural products were pre-incubated with the viruses and then diluted to sub-therapeutic concentrations prior to infecting the respective host cell. Results indicated that both CHLA and PUG were able to interact with HCMV, HCV, DENV-2, JIB04 supplier MV, and RSV virions. Their effects were irreversible and abrogated subsequent infections (Figure 3). A 60 – 80% block against the paramyxoviruses MV and RSV was observed, whereas near 100% inhibition was achieved against HCMV, HCV, and DENV-2. The data suggest

that CHLA and PUG can directly inactivate these free virus particles and neutralize their infectivity. CHLA and PUG inhibit virus entry-related EPZ-6438 in vivo steps In further characterizing the antiviral mechanism(s) involved, we explored the effect of CHLA and PUG against HCMV, HCV, DENV-2, MV, and RSV attachment to the host cell surface and upon subsequent membrane fusion. The temperature change between 4°C (permitting virus binding but not entry) and 37°C (facilitating virus entry/penetration) allows examination of the drug effect on each specific event [53]. Both tannin compounds effectively prevented attachment of the investigated viruses as shown by readouts of inhibition of infection (method 1; Figure 4) and by ELISA-based binding assays many using virus-specific antibodies

to detect bound virus on the cell monolayer (method 2; Figure 5). The inhibition of virus attachment by CHLA and PUG were similar against HCMV, HCV, DENV-2, and RSV, and ranged from 90 – 100% (Figure 4). Against MV, PUG appeared to be more effective than CHLA, and inhibition of entry varied between 50 – 80%. The compounds’ ability to abolish binding of the above viruses was confirmed by the decrease of virions detected on cell surfaces. This occurred in a dose-dependent manner with increasing concentrations of the tannins (Figure 5). To see whether the CHLA and PUG retained their activity during the virus penetration phase, the test viruses were allowed to bind to the cell surface at 4°C and then allowed to penetrate the target cell membrane by a temperature shift to 37°C in the presence or absence of the tannins. CHLA and PUG were again observed to impair virus entry by these viruses, resulting in 50 – 90% protection of the host cell from infection from the virus being examined (Figure 4).

The incident power was 0 55 mW, and the accumulation time was 10

The incident power was 0.55 mW, and the accumulation time was 10 s. Results Morphology of fabricated Au nanofilms Figure 1 shows the morphology of fabricated continuous ultrathin gold nanofilms. From Figure 1a,b, the folded nanofilms can be clearly seen as continuous and flexible, and their thickness is about 2 nm. From Figure 1c,d, we know that the nanofilms are see more composed of gold nanoparticle random arrays with uniform size, steady link, and ultrathin structure. Within the film, the size of the gold nanoparticles is only about 10 nm. The distance between nanoparticles

is in sub-10 nm, filled with even thinner amorphous click here gold, which can be observed from the high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images shown in Figure 1b,d. Figure 1 TEM micrographs of the fabricated gold continuous nanofilms. The four panels (a, b, c, d) highlight from different perspectives that the fabricated gold nanofilms are ultrathin continuous films. UV–vis absorption spectrum of the Au nanofilm layer on the ITO glass substrates The localized absorption characteristic of Au films is highly sensitive to the surrounding medium, particle size, surface structure, and shape. The ultrathin Au nanofilm on the ITO glass substrate exhibits an ultraviolet–visible (UV–vis) optical spectrum in Figure 2. The selleck inhibitor continuous and inhomogeneous nanofilm, with a thickness of 2 nm or so and composed of nanometer-sized

metal clusters, exhibits absorption in the UV–vis region attributed to the surface plasmon resonance in the metal islands. It is well known that optical absorption of island films of gold is a function of island density [26]. The absorption band resulting from bounded plasma resonance in the nanoparticles is shifted to longer wavelengths as the nanoisland density increases. The plasmonic absorption band is broadened due to a wider particle size distribution. Figure 2 Visible absorption

spectrum of the continuous Au nanofilm on the ITO glass substrate. The effect of UV–vis absorption spectra of the organic photosensitive layer incorporated in thin Au film Plasmonic enhancement of the P3HT:PCBM bulk heterojunction system is demonstrated in a spin-cast device with an incorporated ultrathin gold nanofilm thickness of Atorvastatin 2 nm or so. Figure 3 exhibits the absorbance of P3HT:PCBM blend films with and without a layer of nanofilms. An enhanced optical absorption is observed in the spectral range of 350 to 1,000 nm where the P3HT:PCBM blend film is absorbing. The above results indicate that the enhanced absorption is due to the increased electric field in the plasmon photoactive layer by excited localized surface plasmons around the metallic nanoparticles. This enhancement is attributed to photon scattering and trapping by the surface plasmon generated in the metallic nanoparticles. Figure 3 UV–vis absorption spectra of the blend films of P3HT:PCBM on ITO glass substrates.

37%) In large gut, 3 patients (30%) had more than one perforatio

37%). In large gut, 3 patients (30%) had more than one perforation. Table 1 Ivacaftor showing various viscera damaged and surgical procedure done Small gut perforation 48(31.16%) Repair in 26 patients     Colostomy in 2 patients     Resection anastomosis in 7 patients     Right hemicolectomy in 2 patients     Illeostomy in 11 patients Splenic trauma this website 35(22.72%) Splenectomy in 35 patients (Subcapsular hematoma, laceration and hilar injury)     Liver laceration 30(19.48%) Repair in 28 patients     Gauze packing in 8 patients Large gut perforation 10 (6.49%) Colostomy in 3 patients     Tube caecostomy in 1 patient,     Repair in 6 patients Gastric perforation 10(6.49%) Primary repair in

10 with tube gastrostomy in 4 patients Kidney damage 10(6.49%) Nephrectomy in 3 patients patient (Laceration, hematoma and pedicle avulsion)   Nephorostomy in 1     Repair in 2 patients

Duodenal trauma 3(1.94%) Tube duodenostomy in 2 patients (Laceration and the hematoma)     Gallbladder trauma 3(1.94%) Cholecystostomy in 1 patient     Partial Cholecystectomy in 1 patient     Cholecystectomy in 1 pateint Bladder laceration 2(1.29%) Repair with suprapubic cystostomy in all Mesenteric laceration 10(6.49%) Repair in 7 patients     Resection anastomosis in 3 patients Retroperitoneal hematoma 10(6.49%) Midline in 1 patient     Lateral wall hematoma in 1 patient     Associated EPZ5676 purchase with other visceral trauma in 8 patients Caecal hematoma with transection of appendix 2(1.29%) Tube caecostomy with appendectomy in 2 patients Omental hematoma 1(0.64%) Omentectomy Negative laparotomy 5(3.24%)   Reexploration 3(1.94%) Posterior diaphragmatic wall bleed after splenectomy-1,     Missed ileal perforation -1,     Post operative bleeding from liver Morin Hydrate laceration -1 In large gut, transverse colon perforation was seen in six

patients (60%) and four had caecal perforation (40%). Seven patients (70%) had single perforation. Two patients (1.29%) had transaction of an appendix with a caecal hematoma; site of transaction was near the base of an appendix. Individual small gut perforation was present in 39 patients(25.32%).4 patients (2.59%) had ileal as well as liver perforation, the 2 patients (1.29%) had ileal perforation and splenic laceration, the 2 patients (1.29%) had associated mesenteric tear, whereas the 1 patient had (0.64%) had an associated gastric, duodenal and pancreatic injury. Individual large gut perforation was present in six patients (3.89%). Associated with the urinary bladder trauma and the liver laceration was present in 1 patient each (0.64%) whereas 2 patients (1.29%) had associated splenic trauma. Individual liver laceration was seen in 17 patients (11.03%), the associated gastric perforation, gallbladder injury and large bowel perforation was present in one patient (0.64%) each. Liver laceration associated with the splenic trauma and the kidney trauma was present in two patients each (1.29%).4 patients (2.

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